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A Not So Silent Killer

Borrowed Time: One Woman's Struggle with a Rare and Debilitating Disease

A Not-So-Silent Killer

In the quiet stillness of her home, Sarah struggled to breathe. Each inhale was a labored effort, her lungs burning with an unseen fire. This was not the first time she had experienced these debilitating symptoms, but it was the first time she had sought medical attention. After countless doctor's visits and a battery of tests, Sarah received a diagnosis that changed her life forever: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a rare and life-threatening condition.

Living on Borrowed Time

PAH is a progressive disease that causes the arteries in the lungs to narrow and harden, making it increasingly difficult to pump blood through the body. While there is no cure for PAH, there are treatments that can help slow the progression of the disease and improve quality of life. For Sarah, these treatments have come too late. Her PAH has progressed to an advanced stage, leaving her with only a fraction of her lung function. Each day is a precious gift, a borrowed moment in time.

Despite her diagnosis, Sarah refuses to give up hope. She has become an advocate for herself and others with PAH, sharing her story to raise awareness about this devastating disease. She is determined to make the most of the time she has left, living each day to the fullest.
